Selasa, 08 November 2016

inverter 2kw 220volt sinewave

Penghasilan kena Pajak sekian lama vakum kerna lupa Lulus sini akhirnya dapat Muncul Kembali Kali Penyanyi cuman mau naikan pcb krya2 ku Saja Moga gak di bajak org yg gak bertanggung Awab yg cuman bisa Bajak Saja Tanpa ADA kejelasan ..boleh di bajak asal Sumber asli di Ikut sertakan ya ..................

wes iki Tertunda dah lama seklian aja di upload hehheeh ,,,,,,

modif sepeda BMX menjadi sepeda listrik

Hay sob dah lama gak ngetik ini lg sibuk di tmpt kerja jadi malas ngetik hehehe..wes gak usah rebut 2 ini ane buat sepeda listrik dari bekas batangan sepeda BMX yg gak kepakai .
ini penampakan nya
                                                                      kontroler 3 phase

                                               masih berkarat semua tetanus klo kena hhhhh

spesifikasinya cukup mantap
1.,batrai pakai panasonic 12v9ah/20
2.,control made in lekgun pakai ic ne555
3,.motor pakai 250 watt brushed
4,handel gas pakai potensio 100kohm
5.,jarak tempuh 20km full charger

wes ya dah capek dan ngantuk nich heheeh

Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

isinya sama

Sudah terlalu lama TIDAK postingan nich aku MASUK kan foto2 hasil temuan Buatan ku

Minggu, 23 September 2012


salah satu inverter sinewave dgn tl 494 ini contoh skema dan daftar componen nya.masih malas untuk nulis info lanjut pm aja dech

skema inverter tl494

daftar komponen

top pcb desain eagle 5.01

mudah mudahan bisa bermanfaat...selamat experimen dan berkarya.

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

speed control motor 3 phase

ada yg tau gak ya buat motor control speed 3 phase.yg skema nya seperti gambar di atas

Jumat, 13 April 2012

regulator vakum LPG untuk konverter kit BBM to BBG

   mohon informasi yg dpt buat vakum lpg pada gambar, ini rencana mau buat konverter kit bbm to lpg.untuk gambar detail nya silakan download di sini
 semoga ada rekan2 blogers yg bisa membantu khusus nya wilayah sumut terutama di tebing tinggi deli.

untuk kalbulator kit kit nya silah kan kirim kan email ke sini
moga2 bisa membantu untuk kemajuan bangsa kitademi kemandirian.

untuk web resminya dapat di lihat di SINI

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

membuat solarcell sendiri

Cara Membuat Solar Sel Menggunakan Tinanium Dioksida
Oleh: Abdillah, FNU.
Mau bereksperimen membuat solar sel sendiri?. Bagi yang minat dapat mencoba cara berikut. Hati-hati menggunakan bahan kimia dan alat listrik. Ketahui dahulu prosedur aman penggunaannya kalau mau mencoba. Utamakan keselamatan dan gunakan alat pengaman yang baik dan benar.

I. Bahan-bahan
a. Belilah di Toko kimia:
  • Titanium Dioksida (TiO2) 1/4 ons.
  • Iodine (yodium) 1 botol kecil
  • Sebotol Alkhohol ukuran ½ – 1 liter.
b. Belilah di Toko perlengkapan Kulkas
  • selembar Plat tembaga 1mm selebar ½ – 1 meter.
c. Belilah di Toko besi
  • Kawat kecil secukupnya
  • Selembar kaca transparan 3 mm x 20 x 10 cm.
II. Alat-alat:
  • Gunting plat/kawat
  • Pensil 2 B
  • Oven pemanas sampai 500 Celcius
  • Penjepit kertas 8 buah
  • Solder dan Timah
  • Multitester dengan penjepit buaya
  • Gelas ukuran dan pengaduknya
  • Segelas kecil Teh Kental sekali.
III. Cara Membuatnya
  1. Potonglah plat tembaga 1 mm dengan ukuran 20 Cm x 10 Cm. Lalu cucilah dengan sabun kemudian dilap basah dengan alcohol lalu biarkan menjadi kering.
  2. Hitamkan permukaan plat tembaga dengan pensil 2B secara merata hingga semua satu pemukaannya hitam semua.
  3. Tetesi permukaan tembaga yang hitam tersebut dengan larutan iodine (yodium).  Ratakan larutan hingga permukaan hitam plat tembaga menjadi kecoklatan.
  4. Masukan dalam oven dengan suhu 500C selama 2 – 3 menit, lalu keluarkan dari oven dan biarkan agar menjadi dingin kembali.
  5. Buatlah adonan TiO2 dengan mencampurkannya pada alkhohol dalam gelas ukuran. Aduklah hingga rata betul dan tidak menggumpal.
  6. Oleskan dengan kuas adonan TiO2 ke plat pada permukaan yang terkena yodium. Olesan harus merata. Setelah sekali olesan, biarkan mongering dan kemudian ulangi beberapa kali hingga tebal.
  7. Setelah tebal dan kering, masukkan kedalam oven dengan suhu 500C selama 10 menit.
  8. Keluarkan plat dari oven.
  9. Berilah tetesan teh pada permukaan TiO2 pada plat secara merata dan biarkan beberapa jam agar menyerap dan warnanya menjadi ungu. Lalu laplah dengan cairan yang masih tersisa. Kemudian masukkan kembali dalam oven selama 1 menit.
  10. Potong-potonglah kawat sepanjang 21 Cm. Amplaslah agar bersih lalu cuci dengan alkhohol.
  11. Letakkan kawat pada permukaan TiO2 dengan jarak kira-kira 1 cm tiap kawat. Lalu letakkan di atas kawat itu selembar kaca. Jepitlah kaca di tiap sisinya dengan penjepit kertas.
  12. Solderlah ujung-ujung kawat dengan satu kawat memanjang.
  13. Selesailah solar sel yang kita buat.
Untuk mengujinya, tempelkan kutub positif multitester pada bagian bawah tembaga, dan kutub negatifnya pada kawat. Arahkan solar sel ke matahari dengan sebelumnya posisikan saklar multi testes pada DC Voltage 12 Volt. Perhatikan, setelah terkena mata hari. Umumnya dengan luas area solar sel buatan seperti itu akan diperoleh tegangan berkisar 0,1 – 0,9 Volt dan arus sebesar berkisar 5 milliamper.

       semoga apa yg dibuat oleh Bapak Abdillah FNU dapat memotifasi anak2 sekolah untuk trus berexperimant.dan bisa jd acuan sebagai bahan praktikum dan ucapan trima kasi kepada beliau.smoga ada manfaat nya untuk kita smua.

menu service tv

disini saya coba kopy kan code menu service tv yg saya dpt dr beberapa situs dr temen2..semoga bermanfaat.

TVs :
* Press the {MENU} button.
* Press the {MENU} button and access the 'Install' Menu.
* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.
* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons.
* Press the {VOL -} button on the TV.
* Then press the {PROG} {-/--} {TV} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.
* Use the {RED} button to save settings.
* To exit, press the {TV} button or turn the power off.
* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then while pressing the {INPUT} & {VOL -} buttons on the remote,
plug the power cable back into the outlet.
* When it powers up you will see a little "k" appear in brackets.
* Then on the TV, press and hold {VOL -} & {CH -} down and release.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to navigate
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust the value.
* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :
* Unplug the power cable.
* Press and hold the {CH+} & {VOL+} buttons.
Press and hold the {CH+} & {VOL -} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, plug in the power cable.
* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust values.
* To exit, turn the set off.
* Put the TV in Standby Mode.
* Then press the following buttons on the remote:
* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.
* Use numbers {1} and {4} to select the item to adjust.
* Use numbers {3} and {6} to adjust the value of the data.
* Press {MUTE} then {ENTER} to save new settings.
* The words "WRITE" in red will show up in the upper right corner if saved.
* Turn the TV off to exit the service menu.
TVs :
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV and the
{SETUP} button on the remote at the same time.
* The Service Menu displayed.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.
* To exit, press the {SETUP} button or turn the TV off.
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the following buttons on the remote:
* {IMAGE} {FACTORY} {POWER} {MUTE} {1} {8} {2} {POWER}
* The TV will power on with the Service Menu displayed.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to select items.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to change values.
* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.
* Press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV.
* Then press the {DISPLAY} button on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV off.
* With the TV in standby:
Press and hold the {VOL -} & {PRG -} buttons on the TV.
* Keep both buttons pressed until the TV turns On
with the Service Menu displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV off.
* While the TV is on, press the {POWER} button
on the remote control to put TV in standby.
* Turn the TV off using the {POWER} button on the TV.
* Using the buttons on the TV:
* Turn the TV On while pressing the {PRG -} & {VOL -} buttons
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV off.
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} {OK} {TV} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} {RIGHT} {LEFT} buttons on
the remote to move through menus and change values.
* Press the {OK} button to save new settings.
* To exit, press the {TV} button or turn the power off.
TVs :
* With the TV in standby:
Press and hold the {VOL -} & {PRG -} buttons on the TV.
* Keep both buttons pressed until the TV turns On
with the Service Menu displayed.
* Use {PR+} {PR -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.
* To exit, turn the TV Off.
* While the TV is On, press the {POWER} button
on the remote control to put TV in standby.
* Turn the TV Off using the {POWER} button on the TV.
* Using the buttons on the TV:
* Turn the TV On while pressing the {PRG -} & {VOL -} buttons
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use {PR+} {PR -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.
* To exit, turn the TV Off.

LCDs :
* Press the {MENU} button on the remote.
* Highlight the "Picture" icon.
* Press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed:
o Options
o Adjustments
o Selections
* Use the {OK} button to access and
navigate through these Modes.
* Use the {VOL +} {VOL-) {P+} {P-} buttons to
move through options and change settings.
* To exit, press the {MENU} button.
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button three times on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.
* To exit, turn the power off..
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button twice on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} and {VOL -} buttons to chnage settings.
* To exit, turn the power off.
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} and {VOL -} buttons to change settings.
* To exit, turn the power off.

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'
* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.
* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.
LCDs :
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MENU} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV Off.
* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To change pages, press the {MENU} button then
the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons again.
* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Service Menu.
Your adjustments will be memorized.
* You´ll have to make adjustments separately for different
input signals (component, composite, RGB, HDMI).
* Many of the parameters are not accessible.
* Pressing the "User Initialise" Menu will erase
all channels and personal settings.
CRTs :
* Press and hold the {2} button on the remote
while turning the power on.
* Keep the {2} button pressed for at least 4 seconds.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the power off.

PDM-1 50"
* Hold down the {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA DISPLAY.
* Press the {STATUS} button 3 times on the remote control.
(Status button is the one below Power button)
* The Service Menu (CAT) will be displayed.
(CAT = Computer Aided Test Menu)
* Use the cursors keys on the remote to select a mode.
* And press the action key {} to access the menu.
* To exit each mode, use the {R} button.
* To exit the CAT menu, use the {STATUS} button.
* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the Plasma.

·  Hitachi


* Turn the TV off..
* Press and hold the {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons at the
same time on the A/V Media Box for at least 5 seconds.

* Release the {POWER} button first and then immediately
release the {INPUT} button.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {MENU} button to move through menus.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby.
* Press and hold the {POWER} {INPUT} {DOWN} buttons
at the same time on the TV for at least 5 seconds.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {OK} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.


* Turn the TV on.
* Press {MENU} {MENU} {8} {SELECT} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Service Menu.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons on the TV.
* Hold both buttons until the TV powers on
with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {EXIT} button or turn the power off..

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Press and hold {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons
on the TV for more than 5 seconds.

Press and hold {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons
on the TV for 3-5 seconds.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {I} {M} {P} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {M} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {TV} button.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {SETUP} button and select "Cable Mode".
* Select "Timer" menu and set sleep timer to 30 min.
* Press {MENU} or {OK} buttons twice to exit menus.
* Tune to channel 124.
* Turn the volume all the down to '0'.
* Then press and hold {VOL -} button ON THE TV.

* "CHK" appears in on top-left corner.

* While the "CHK" is displayed, press the {MENU} & {VOL+} buttons
ON THE TV simultaneously to toggle between Modes:

Red "CHK" for Serviceman — Yellow "CHK" for Aging

* Press the {POWER} button on the remote to move through modes.
* Use the {CH+} {CH -} on the remote to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} on the remote to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} and {POWER} buttons on the TV.


* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV.
* Then press the {MENU} {8} {SELECT} buttons on the remote.
* To exit, press the {MENU} button on the TV or
the {EXIT} button on the remote control.

DCAM Mode:

* Using the remote control:
* Hold down the {TV} button.
* Press the {MENU} button.
* Press the {INFO} button.
* Release the {TV} button.

Remote Control Key Functions When In DCAM Mode:

{INPUT} ............. Blue (13x9 adjust)
{ASPECT} ............ ROM Write
{DAY/NIGHT} ......... ROM Read
{MENU} .............. Remove Color
{EXIT} .............. Cross Hatch/Video Mode
{INFO} .............. Green
{GUIDE} ............. Calculation
{2} ................. Cursor UP
{5} ................. Cursor DOWN
{6} ................. Cursor RIGHT
{4} ................. Cursor LEFT
{0} ................. RED (7x5 Adjust)
{STOP} .............. Initialize
{PLAY} .............. Raster Position
{FAST FORWARD} ...... Phase

To Exit The DCAM Mode:

* Press and hold the {TV} button.
* Press the {0} button.
* Press the {1} button.
* Release the {TV} button.

Access code posted by jones07 @ AVS Forum

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off and wait at least 2 minutes.
* Press and hold the {INPUT} and {POWER} buttons
* on the TV for about 2 seconds.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to move through options.
* Press the {RIGHT} button for 2 seconds to access options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Adjustment Mode.
* Press the {EXIT} button again to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :

* Enter the 'Main Menu'.
* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Enter the 'Main Menu' and access the 'Install Menu' .
* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

LCDs :

* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then while pressing the {INPUT} & {VOL -} buttons on the remote,
plug the power cable back into the outlet.

* When it powers up you will see a little "k" appear in brackets.
* Then on the TV, press and hold {VOL -} & {CH -} down and release.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to navigate
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust the value.

* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.

||||[ Sharp ]||||


PL-4260N / PL-5060N

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MENU} button and select "User OSD Menu".
* Select "Audio", "Settings" and then "Balance".
* Press the {9} {1} {8} {OK} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

Remote - Control Keys:

{MENU} ................ Enter/Exit the Service Menu
{UP} {DOWN} arrows .... Select Items
{RIGHT} arrow ......... Enter Lower-Level Menus
{RIGHT} {LEFT} arrows . Change Adjustment Values
{BACK} ................ Return to Upper-Level Menu

TV - Control Keys:

{MENU} ................ Enter/Exit the Service Menu
{CH+} {CH-} ........... Select Items
{VOL+} ................ Enter Lower-Level Menu
{VOL+} {VOL-} ......... Change Adjustment Values

* To exit, press {9} {1} {8} {9} buttons on the remote.

NOTE: If the “M” character appears on the screen,
press the {MENU} button first.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

PE-4200N / PL-4200N / PL-5000N

* Hold down {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA TV.
* While still holding down the {VOL -} button,
press {RECALL} on the remote 3 times.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {1} {2} button to navigate main menu items.
* Use the {3} {4} buttons to navigate sub-menu items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* Press the {MUTE} {MENU} {OK} {SLEEP} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {MENU} {4} {7} {2} {5}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* There are 4 Menus available:
Display - Calibration - Deinterlacer - Factory Settings

* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to select a Menu.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select Menu options and
then the {LEFT} {RIGHT} or {OK} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {MENU} {SAP} {SLEEP} {MAGIC}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {CAPS} {REVEAL} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {REVEAL} button to move through menus.
* Use the {P +} {P -} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {OK} button to save and exit.


* Turn the Display off.
* Press the {POWER} button twice while
holding down the {MENU} button.

* Then press the {POWER} button again
while holding down the {-} button.

* Press the {MENU} button to enter the Service Mode.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.


* Press the {MENU} button and go to the User Menu screen, make sure
that the indicator (arrow) is pointed and highlights the "Picture Control".

* The buttons on top of the remote are set to TV & VCR respectively.

* Set sleep timer to "0" minutes and while it is displayed, simultaneously
press the {VIDEO STATUS} & {DISPLAY} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.
* Use the {MUTING} button to save settings.

* Press the {BACK} button to exit the Service Menu.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Using the remote control:

* Press the {INFO} & {MUTE} buttons at the same time.

* The Service Menu will be displayed

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to enter the category.
NOTE: Some models don't have category selection.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-) buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {INFORMATION} button.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Using the remote control:

* Press {DISPLAY} & {PIC MODE} buttons at the same time.

* The Service Menu will be displayed

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to enter the category.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to select options.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {DISPLAY} button twice.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button.
* Select "Clock Set".
* Set clock to 3:21 AM and press "Start Clock".

* While a "Thank You" message is displayed on screen,
press the {MUTE} and {MENU} buttons.

* The Service Menu will come up.

* Use {UP} {DOWN} to select options.
* Use {LEFT} {RIGHT} to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {DISPLAY} and {PIC MODE} buttons
at the same time on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {MENU UP} {MENU DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {MENU +} {MENU -} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {DISPLAY} button to exit menus.

* Press the {DISPLAY} button again to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :

* Service Menu #1

Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote and
the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time,
until the first Service Menu is displayed.

* Service Menu #2

Repeat the above sequence:
Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote and
the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time,
until the second Service Menu is displayed.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote
and the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time

* If a password screen comes up:

Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote
and the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time
again, until the Service Menu is displayed.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE REMOTE
until a 4-digit password screen is displayed.

* Then try any of the following codes to
access the Service Menu:

{0} {0} {0} {0}
{7} {7} {7} {7}
{8} {7} {4} {1}

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE REMOTE.
(The menu on the screen will disappear)

* Now Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE PANEL.
* Keep both buttons pressed until the Service Menu
is displayed, then release the 2 buttons.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{MENU} = Toggles between two menu pages.
{UP} {DOWN} = Selects the item for adjustment.
{LEFT} {RIGHT} = Varies the value
{POWER} = Exit service mode and saves adjustments made.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Hold down the {MENU} button on remote until the on-screen menu
disappears or "Welcome Message" appears then release the {MENU}
button and within two (2) seconds press the following five buttons:

{9} {8} {7} {6} {ENTER}
{9} {8} {7} {6} {DISPLAY}

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{MENU} = Toggles between two menu pages.
{UP} {DOWN} = Selects the item for adjustment.
{LEFT} {RIGHT} = Varies the value
{POWER} = Exit service mode and saves adjustments made.

TVs :

* Press the {MENU} button on TV's front panel.
* Select the "Service" menu option.
* Press the {MENU} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {FUNCTION} button on TV's front panel.

* Press and hold the {CH -} button on the remote
until the Service Menu is displayed.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{CH+} {CH -} buttons move through menus
{OK} button makes selections
{VOL+} {VOL -} buttons change menu items
{OK} button saves a particular setting

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button 5 times on TV's front panel.
A "Service" message will appear on screen.

* Then press the {MENU} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

LCDs :

* Press the {MENU} {SAP} {SLEEP} {MAGIC}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {i} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Wait until the power light turns on then
press the {POWER} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {P+} {P-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {8} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button.
* Press the {MENU} button and access the 'Install' Menu.

* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons.
·  Samsung


* Turn on the TV on and select the input that you want to adjust.
* Turn the display off.

* In quick sequence on the remote press:
{MUTE} {1} {8} {2} {POWER} buttons.

* The TV will turn On with the Service Menu displayed.

* Select the function and use the {VOL+} button to enter.
* Save settings and exit by pushing {MUTE} twice then {POWER}.

Access code posted by ElvisIncognito @ AVS Forum

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{INFO} {MENU} {MUTE} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn On with the Service Menu displayed.
* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{DISPLAY} {MENU} {MUTE} {POWER} buttons on the remote.
{DISPLAY} {P.STD} {MUTE} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn On with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{P.STD} {AV} {SLEEP} {POWER} buttons on the remote.
{P.STD} {HELP} {SLEEP} {POWER} buttons on the remote.
{P.STD} {MENU} {SLEEP} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{P.STD} {AV} {OFF TIMER} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{AV} {SLEEP} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby mode, then press:

{SLEEP} {P.STD} {MUTE} {POWER} buttons on the remote.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.


* Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE TV then
press the {STATUS} button on the remote once.

* Release both buttons.
* Within 2 seconds, press the {MUTE} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL-} {VOL+} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.


* Press and hold the {VOL-} button ON THE TV and
the {TLTXT} button on the remote at the same time.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {P+} {P-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} button to access sub-menus.
* Use the {VOL-} {VOL+} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {MENU} button to return one level.

* To exit, press any other button.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Unplug the power cable.
* Press and hold the {MUTE} button on the remote control
while plugging the power cable back into the outlet.

* Keep pressing the {MUTE} button until
the TV powers on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select menus.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* Some menus might have sub-addresses. Use the
numeric buttons {0} to {7} to adjust sub-item data.

* Press the {MENU} button or turn the TV off to exit.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Unplug the power cable.
* Press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV
while plugging the power cable back into the outlet.

* Keep pressing the {VOL -} button until
the TV powers on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select menus.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* Some menus might have sub-addresses. Use the
numeric buttons {0} to {7} to adjust sub-item data.

* Press the {MENU} button or turn the TV off to exit.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {FUNCTION} button on the remote.
* Then press the {PROG+} button on the TV.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {PRO+} {PROG-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEVEL+} {LEVEL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

LCDs :

Press and hold the {CH+} & {CH -} buttons on
the TV for few seconds.

Press and hold the {VOL-} & {CH +} buttons on
the TV for few seconds.

Press and hold the {VOL+} & {CH -} buttons on
the TV for few seconds.

Press and hold the {VOL-} & {MENU} buttons on
the TV for few seconds.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons on the
remote to move through menus and change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the Monitor on.
* Press and hold the {DOWN} button and
then turn the power off.

* Now press and hold the {UP} button and
then turn the power on.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the Monitor on.
* Press and hold the {LEFT} button and
then turn the power off.

* Now press and hold the {RIGHT} button and
then turn the power on.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.
Last edited by panosxgr; 16-03-2008 at 03:16.

TVs :

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {VOL+} & {VOL -} buttons
on the TV and then turn the power on.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {MUTE} and {0-9} numbered buttons to access modes.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {F WHITE} {AUTO} {V CHIP} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn on the display and select the input that you want to adjust.
* Turn the display off.

* In quick sequence on the remote press:
{MUTE} , {1} , {8} , {2} , {POWER} buttons.

* The Display will turn on with the service menu displayed.

* Select the function and use the {VOL+} to enter the next screen.
* Save settings and exit by pushing {MUTE} twice then {POWER}.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} {OK} {TV} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {RIGHT} {LEFT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {OK} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {TV} button.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV.

* Press the {MENU} button on the remote,
release the {VOL -} button on the TV and
then press the {TV} button on the remote.

* Now to access the Service Menu, press the {i} button.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {RIGHT} {LEFT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {OK} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {TV} button.

LCDs :

* Press the {POWER} and {AUTO} buttons at the same time.
* "Factory1" & "Factory2" Menus will be displayed in the OSD.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons
to move through options and change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then press and hold the {MENU} button while
plugging in the power cable.

* The Factory Mode will be displayed.

* Press the [Exit] option to save settings.
* To exit, turn the power off.
Bang & Olufsen

TVs :

* Using the remote control:
Press the {MENU} button.
Then press the {0} {0} {GO} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* Press the {UP} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {VOL -} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {RECALL} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Then press the following buttons using the remote:
{DISPLAY} {MENU} {3} {8} {POWER}

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select menus.
* Use {VOL+} button to access menus.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select sub-menus.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.
* To exit and save, turn the power off.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Select Channel 91.
* Turn "Sharpness" all the way down.
* Exit all menus.
* Press the {RED} {GREEN} {MENU} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {PROG+} {PROG -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

LCDs :

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Now press the {-} button.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Press the {MENU} button and select "Factory Reset".
* Then go to the option "Factory".
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.


* Press the {INPUT} {6} {1} {9} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Input Select: Show Inputs needs to be set to "ALL" .
If it is set to "ACTIVE", It'll NOT work.

Do NOT Hit the OK Button while the "ADC Calibration" option is selected
on the service menu. Apparently, this will recalibrate the Dell W5001C
according to whatever is being fed via the HDMI input. In the factory, a
proprietary image (provided by Pixelworks) is used. If you do it at home,
you may as well kiss the set goodbye. It cannot be undone, and you will
likely have to return the set.


* Fujitsu has a Service Menu with limited function.
* Press and hold the {ENTER} button on the remote
until the Service Menu is displayed:

Monitor Mode A - Monitor Mode B - Extend Adjust

* Using the remote keys, select a Mode and press {ENTER} to access it.

* Monitor Mode A :
Fan Settings
Temperature Reading
Hours Meter

To determine total hours, add RGB and video for the total hours on the plasma
(each number represents hours on that selected input).
Disregard total hours. That's the number of hours the Plasma is plugged in.

* Monitor Mode B :
Shows error codes, if any.

* Extend Adjust :
Fan Mode
V Screen Orbiter
RS232 Baud Rate
Default (CAUTION: pressing default will reset the hours counter to zero).

* Press menu to toggle from one menu to another.
Emerson / Symphonic

TVs :

* Enter Menu or Picture Menu.

* Then press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Enter the Main Menu.
Enter the Main Menu and access the Install Menu.

* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the power on using the {POWER} button on the TV.
* Press the {POWER} {2} {7} {1} {MUTE} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the remote.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {RECALL} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

||||[ Orion ]||||

#7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {0} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.
·  AOC

LCDs :

* Press the {POWER} and {AUTO} buttons at the same time.
* "Factory1" & "Factory2" Menus will be displayed in the OSD.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons
to move through options and change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then press and hold the {MENU} button while
plugging in the power cable.

* The Factory Mode will be displayed.

* Press the [Exit] option to save settings.
* To exit, turn the power off.
Bang & Olufsen

TVs :

* Using the remote control:
Press the {MENU} button.
Then press the {0} {0} {GO} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* Press the {UP} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {VOL -} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {RECALL} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Then press the following buttons using the remote:
{DISPLAY} {MENU} {3} {8} {POWER}

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select menus.
* Use {VOL+} button to access menus.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select sub-menus.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.
* To exit and save, turn the power off.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Select Channel 91.
* Turn "Sharpness" all the way down.
* Exit all menus.
* Press the {RED} {GREEN} {MENU} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {PROG+} {PROG -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

LCDs :

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Now press the {-} button.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Press the {MENU} button and select "Factory Reset".
* Then go to the option "Factory".
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.


* Press the {INPUT} {6} {1} {9} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Input Select: Show Inputs needs to be set to "ALL" .
If it is set to "ACTIVE", It'll NOT work.

Do NOT Hit the OK Button while the "ADC Calibration" option is selected
on the service menu. Apparently, this will recalibrate the Dell W5001C
according to whatever is being fed via the HDMI input. In the factory, a
proprietary image (provided by Pixelworks) is used. If you do it at home,
you may as well kiss the set goodbye. It cannot be undone, and you will
likely have to return the set.


* Fujitsu has a Service Menu with limited function.
* Press and hold the {ENTER} button on the remote
until the Service Menu is displayed:

Monitor Mode A - Monitor Mode B - Extend Adjust

* Using the remote keys, select a Mode and press {ENTER} to access it.

* Monitor Mode A :
Fan Settings
Temperature Reading
Hours Meter

To determine total hours, add RGB and video for the total hours on the plasma
(each number represents hours on that selected input).
Disregard total hours. That's the number of hours the Plasma is plugged in.

* Monitor Mode B :
Shows error codes, if any.

* Extend Adjust :
Fan Mode
V Screen Orbiter
RS232 Baud Rate
Default (CAUTION: pressing default will reset the hours counter to zero).

* Press menu to toggle from one menu to another.
Emerson / Symphonic

TVs :

* Enter Menu or Picture Menu.

* Then press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Enter the Main Menu.
Enter the Main Menu and access the Install Menu.

* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the power on using the {POWER} button on the TV.
* Press the {POWER} {2} {7} {1} {MUTE} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the remote.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {RECALL} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

||||[ Orion ]||||

#7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {0} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {i} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {i} button.
* Then press 'OK' - 'SERVICE' - 'OK'.
* Enter Service Code '8500'.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {i} button.
* Then enter service code '8500'.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {TXT} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {P/C} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {DISPLAY} {MUTE} {SLEEP} {FUZZY}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed:

o Factory 1
o Factory 2
o Factory 3

* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to access menus.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Wait until the power light turns on then
press the {POWER} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {P+} {P-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

LCDs :

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Now press the {-} button.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the Display Off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} & {+} buttons.
* While holding both buttons, turn the Display On.
* Once the Display is on, release all buttons.
* Press the {MENU} button and select "Factory Reset".
* Then go to the option "Factory".
* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* Press the {MENU} button to exit.


* Press the {INPUT} {6} {1} {9} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Input Select: Show Inputs needs to be set to "ALL" .
If it is set to "ACTIVE", It'll NOT work.

Do NOT Hit the OK Button while the "ADC Calibration" option is selected
on the service menu. Apparently, this will recalibrate the Dell W5001C
according to whatever is being fed via the HDMI input. In the factory, a
proprietary image (provided by Pixelworks) is used. If you do it at home,
you may as well kiss the set goodbye. It cannot be undone, and you will
likely have to return the set.


* Fujitsu has a Service Menu with limited function.
* Press and hold the {ENTER} button on the remote
until the Service Menu is displayed:

Monitor Mode A - Monitor Mode B - Extend Adjust

* Using the remote keys, select a Mode and press {ENTER} to access it.

* Monitor Mode A :
Fan Settings
Temperature Reading
Hours Meter

To determine total hours, add RGB and video for the total hours on the plasma
(each number represents hours on that selected input).
Disregard total hours. That's the number of hours the Plasma is plugged in.

* Monitor Mode B :
Shows error codes, if any.

* Extend Adjust :
Fan Mode
V Screen Orbiter
RS232 Baud Rate
Default (CAUTION: pressing default will reset the hours counter to zero).

* Press menu to toggle from one menu to another.
Emerson / Symphonic

TVs :

* Enter Menu or Picture Menu.

* Then press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Enter the Main Menu.
Enter the Main Menu and access the Install Menu.

* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the power on using the {POWER} button on the TV.
* Press the {POWER} {2} {7} {1} {MUTE} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the remote.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {DISPLAY} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {1} {MUTE} {RECALL} {MUTE}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Daewoo ]||||

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

||||[ Orion ]||||

#7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {0} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {i} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {i} button.
* Then press 'OK' - 'SERVICE' - 'OK'.
* Enter Service Code '8500'.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {i} button.
* Then enter service code '8500'.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {TXT} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {P/C} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {DISPLAY} {MUTE} {SLEEP} {FUZZY}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed:

o Factory 1
o Factory 2
o Factory 3

* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to access menus.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Wait until the power light turns on then
press the {POWER} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {P+} {P-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.
·  Hitachi


* Turn the TV off..
* Press and hold the {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons at the
same time on the A/V Media Box for at least 5 seconds.

* Release the {POWER} button first and then immediately
release the {INPUT} button.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {MENU} button to move through menus.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Put the TV in standby.
* Press and hold the {POWER} {INPUT} {DOWN} buttons
at the same time on the TV for at least 5 seconds.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {OK} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.


* Turn the TV on.
* Press {MENU} {MENU} {8} {SELECT} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Service Menu.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons on the TV.
* Hold both buttons until the TV powers on
with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {EXIT} button or turn the power off..

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Press and hold {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons
on the TV for more than 5 seconds.

Press and hold {POWER} and {INPUT} buttons
on the TV for 3-5 seconds.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {I} {M} {P} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {M} button to save settings.

* To exit, press the {TV} button.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {SETUP} button and select "Cable Mode".
* Select "Timer" menu and set sleep timer to 30 min.
* Press {MENU} or {OK} buttons twice to exit menus.
* Tune to channel 124.
* Turn the volume all the down to '0'.
* Then press and hold {VOL -} button ON THE TV.

* "CHK" appears in on top-left corner.

* While the "CHK" is displayed, press the {MENU} & {VOL+} buttons
ON THE TV simultaneously to toggle between Modes:

Red "CHK" for Serviceman — Yellow "CHK" for Aging

* Press the {POWER} button on the remote to move through modes.
* Use the {CH+} {CH -} on the remote to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} on the remote to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} and {POWER} buttons on the TV.


* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV.
* Then press the {MENU} {8} {SELECT} buttons on the remote.
* To exit, press the {MENU} button on the TV or
the {EXIT} button on the remote control.

DCAM Mode:

* Using the remote control:
* Hold down the {TV} button.
* Press the {MENU} button.
* Press the {INFO} button.
* Release the {TV} button.

Remote Control Key Functions When In DCAM Mode:

{INPUT} ............. Blue (13x9 adjust)
{ASPECT} ............ ROM Write
{DAY/NIGHT} ......... ROM Read
{MENU} .............. Remove Color
{EXIT} .............. Cross Hatch/Video Mode
{INFO} .............. Green
{GUIDE} ............. Calculation
{2} ................. Cursor UP
{5} ................. Cursor DOWN
{6} ................. Cursor RIGHT
{4} ................. Cursor LEFT
{0} ................. RED (7x5 Adjust)
{STOP} .............. Initialize
{PLAY} .............. Raster Position
{FAST FORWARD} ...... Phase

To Exit The DCAM Mode:

* Press and hold the {TV} button.
* Press the {0} button.
* Press the {1} button.
* Release the {TV} button.

Access code posted by jones07 @ AVS Forum

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off and wait at least 2 minutes.
* Press and hold the {INPUT} and {POWER} buttons
* on the TV for about 2 seconds.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to move through options.
* Press the {RIGHT} button for 2 seconds to access options.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Adjustment Mode.
* Press the {EXIT} button again to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :

* Enter the 'Main Menu'.
* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Enter the 'Main Menu' and access the 'Install Menu' .
* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

LCDs :

* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then while pressing the {INPUT} & {VOL -} buttons on the remote,
plug the power cable back into the outlet.

* When it powers up you will see a little "k" appear in brackets.
* Then on the TV, press and hold {VOL -} & {CH -} down and release.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to navigate
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust the value.

* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.

||||[ Sharp ]||||


PL-4260N / PL-5060N

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MENU} button and select "User OSD Menu".
* Select "Audio", "Settings" and then "Balance".
* Press the {9} {1} {8} {OK} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

Remote - Control Keys:

{MENU} ................ Enter/Exit the Service Menu
{UP} {DOWN} arrows .... Select Items
{RIGHT} arrow ......... Enter Lower-Level Menus
{RIGHT} {LEFT} arrows . Change Adjustment Values
{BACK} ................ Return to Upper-Level Menu

TV - Control Keys:

{MENU} ................ Enter/Exit the Service Menu
{CH+} {CH-} ........... Select Items
{VOL+} ................ Enter Lower-Level Menu
{VOL+} {VOL-} ......... Change Adjustment Values

* To exit, press {9} {1} {8} {9} buttons on the remote.

NOTE: If the “M” character appears on the screen,
press the {MENU} button first.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

PE-4200N / PL-4200N / PL-5000N

* Hold down {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA TV.
* While still holding down the {VOL -} button,
press {RECALL} on the remote 3 times.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {1} {2} button to navigate main menu items.
* Use the {3} {4} buttons to navigate sub-menu items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* Press the {MUTE} {MENU} {OK} {SLEEP} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {MENU} {4} {7} {2} {5}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* There are 4 Menus available:
Display - Calibration - Deinterlacer - Factory Settings

* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to select a Menu.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select Menu options and
then the {LEFT} {RIGHT} or {OK} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.

||||[ Vestel ]||||

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {MENU} {SAP} {SLEEP} {MAGIC}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

* Press the {CAPS} {REVEAL} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {REVEAL} button to move through menus.
* Use the {P +} {P -} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* Press the {OK} button to save and exit.


* Turn the Display off.
* Press the {POWER} button twice while
holding down the {MENU} button.

* Then press the {POWER} button again
while holding down the {-} button.

* Press the {MENU} button to enter the Service Mode.

* To exit, press the {POWER} button.


* Press the {MENU} button and go to the User Menu screen, make sure
that the indicator (arrow) is pointed and highlights the "Picture Control".

* The buttons on top of the remote are set to TV & VCR respectively.

* Set sleep timer to "0" minutes and while it is displayed, simultaneously
press the {VIDEO STATUS} & {DISPLAY} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.
* Use the {MUTING} button to save settings.

* Press the {BACK} button to exit the Service Menu.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Using the remote control:

* Press the {INFO} & {MUTE} buttons at the same time.

* The Service Menu will be displayed

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to enter the category.
NOTE: Some models don't have category selection.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-) buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {INFORMATION} button.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Using the remote control:

* Press {DISPLAY} & {PIC MODE} buttons at the same time.

* The Service Menu will be displayed

* Use the number keys {1-9} to select a category.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to enter the category.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to select options.
* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {DISPLAY} button twice.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button.
* Select "Clock Set".
* Set clock to 3:21 AM and press "Start Clock".

* While a "Thank You" message is displayed on screen,
press the {MUTE} and {MENU} buttons.

* The Service Menu will come up.

* Use {UP} {DOWN} to select options.
* Use {LEFT} {RIGHT} to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {DISPLAY} and {PIC MODE} buttons
at the same time on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {MENU UP} {MENU DOWN} buttons to select options.
* Use the {MENU +} {MENU -} buttons to change settings.
* Press the {DISPLAY} button to exit menus.

* Press the {DISPLAY} button again to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :

* Service Menu #1

Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote and
the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time,
until the first Service Menu is displayed.

* Service Menu #2

Repeat the above sequence:
Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote and
the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time,
until the second Service Menu is displayed.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote
and the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time

* If a password screen comes up:

Press and hold the {MENU} button on the remote
and the {MENU} button on the TV at the same time
again, until the Service Menu is displayed.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE REMOTE
until a 4-digit password screen is displayed.

* Then try any of the following codes to
access the Service Menu:

{0} {0} {0} {0}
{7} {7} {7} {7}
{8} {7} {4} {1}

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE REMOTE.
(The menu on the screen will disappear)

* Now Press and hold the {MENU} button ON THE PANEL.
* Keep both buttons pressed until the Service Menu
is displayed, then release the 2 buttons.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{MENU} = Toggles between two menu pages.
{UP} {DOWN} = Selects the item for adjustment.
{LEFT} {RIGHT} = Varies the value
{POWER} = Exit service mode and saves adjustments made.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Hold down the {MENU} button on remote until the on-screen menu
disappears or "Welcome Message" appears then release the {MENU}
button and within two (2) seconds press the following five buttons:

{9} {8} {7} {6} {ENTER}
{9} {8} {7} {6} {DISPLAY}

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{MENU} = Toggles between two menu pages.
{UP} {DOWN} = Selects the item for adjustment.
{LEFT} {RIGHT} = Varies the value
{POWER} = Exit service mode and saves adjustments made.

TVs :

* Press the {MENU} button on TV's front panel.
* Select the "Service" menu option.
* Press the {MENU} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {FUNCTION} button on TV's front panel.

* Press and hold the {CH -} button on the remote
until the Service Menu is displayed.

* Using the remote control buttons:

{CH+} {CH -} buttons move through menus
{OK} button makes selections
{VOL+} {VOL -} buttons change menu items
{OK} button saves a particular setting

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button 5 times on TV's front panel.
A "Service" message will appear on screen.

* Then press the {MENU} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the set Off.

Adjust option bits that are highlighted only. The other option bits
are for Authorized Technicians. If incorrectly adjusted, some option
bits can cause unrecoverable system failures.

LCDs :

* Press the {MENU} {SAP} {SLEEP} {MAGIC}
buttons on the remote control.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.

TVs :

* With the TV in standby:
* Press and hold the {i} button on the remote
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {UP}{DOWN} buttons to select menus/options.
* Use the {LEFT}{RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV off.
* Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV
while pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Wait until the power light turns on then
press the {POWER} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {P+} {P-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {8} button.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press the {MENU} button.
* Press the {MENU} button and access the 'Install' Menu.

* Then press the {4} {7} {2} {5} buttons.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} buttons to select items.
* Use the {LEFT} {RIGHT} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} or {EXIT} buttons
·  Sharp


* While the LCD is on, unplug the power cable.
* Then while pressing the {INPUT} & {VOL -} buttons on the remote,
plug the power cable back into the outlet.

* When it powers up you will see a little "k" appear in brackets.
* Then on the TV, press and hold {VOL -} & {CH -} down and release.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to navigate
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust the value.

* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.

TVs :

* Unplug the power cable.

* Press and hold the {CH+} & {VOL+} buttons.
Press and hold the {CH+} & {VOL -} buttons.

* While holding both buttons, plug in the power cable.

* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to adjust values.

* To exit, turn the set off.


* Put the TV in Standby Mode.
* Then press the following buttons on the remote:


* The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use numbers {1} and {4} to select the item to adjust.
* Use numbers {3} and {6} to adjust the value of the data.
* Press {MUTE} then {ENTER} to save new settings.
* The words "WRITE" in red will show up in the upper right corner if saved.
* Turn the TV off to exit the service menu.

TVs :

* Press the {MENU} button on the TV and the
{SETUP} button on the remote at the same time.

* The Service Menu displayed.

* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, press the {SETUP} button or turn the TV off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the following buttons on the remote:
* {IMAGE} {FACTORY} {POWER} {MUTE} {1} {8} {2} {POWER}

* The TV will power on with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to select items.
* Use {CH+} {CH -} buttons to change values.

* Turn the set off to exit the Service Menu.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV.
* Then press the {DISPLAY} button on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the TV off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* With the TV in standby:
Press and hold the {VOL -} & {PRG -} buttons on the TV.

* Keep both buttons pressed until the TV turns On
with the Service Menu displayed.

* To exit, turn the TV off.

#5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* While the TV is on, press the {POWER} button
on the remote control to put TV in standby.

* Turn the TV off using the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Using the buttons on the TV:
* Turn the TV On while pressing the {PRG -} & {VOL -} buttons

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the TV off.

#6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} {OK} {TV} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {UP} {DOWN} {RIGHT} {LEFT} buttons on
the remote to move through menus and change values.

* Press the {OK} button to save new settings.

* To exit, press the {TV} button or turn the power off.

TVs :

* With the TV in standby:
Press and hold the {VOL -} & {PRG -} buttons on the TV.

* Keep both buttons pressed until the TV turns On
with the Service Menu displayed.

* Use {PR+} {PR -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the TV Off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* While the TV is On, press the {POWER} button
on the remote control to put TV in standby.

* Turn the TV Off using the {POWER} button on the TV.

* Using the buttons on the TV:
* Turn the TV On while pressing the {PRG -} & {VOL -} buttons

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use {PR+} {PR -} buttons to select items.
* Use {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change values.

* To exit, turn the TV Off.

LCDs :

* Press the {MENU} button on the remote.
* Highlight the "Picture" icon.
* Press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed:

o Options
o Adjustments
o Selections

* Use the {OK} button to access and
navigate through these Modes.

* Use the {VOL +} {VOL-) {P+} {P-} buttons to
move through options and change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button.


* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button three times on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off..

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button twice on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} and {VOL -} buttons to chnage settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MUTE} button on the remote.
* Press the {MUTE} button again on the remote and hold.
* Then press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel.
* Release both buttons
* There should be a letter "S" on the upper right of the screen.
* Press the {MENU} button on the TV's front panel again.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} and {VOL -} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, turn the power off.

#4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn volume all the way down to '0'

* Then press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV and
the {9} button on the remote control for few seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* Use the {CH+} {CH-} buttons to select options.
* Use the {VOL+} {VOL-} buttons to change settings.

* To exit, press the {MENU} button or turn the power off.

LCDs :

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MENU} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV Off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To change pages, press the {MENU} button then
the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons again.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Service Menu.
Your adjustments will be memorized.

* You&#180;ll have to make adjustments separately for different
input signals (component, composite, RGB, HDMI).
* Many of the parameters are not accessible.
* Pressing the "User Initialise" Menu will erase
all channels and personal settings.

CRTs :

* Press and hold the {2} button on the remote
while turning the power on.

* Keep the {2} button pressed for at least 4 seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.


PDM-1 50"

* Hold down the {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA DISPLAY.
* Press the {STATUS} button 3 times on the remote control.
(Status button is the one below Power button)

* The Service Menu (CAT) will be displayed.
(CAT = Computer Aided Test Menu)

* Use the cursors keys on the remote to select a mode.
* And press the action key {} to access the menu.

* To exit each mode, use the {R} button.
* To exit the CAT menu, use the {STATUS} button.
* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the Plasma.
·  Viewsonic

LCDs :

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {MENU} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.
* To exit, turn the TV Off.

#2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Turn the TV on.
* Press the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons on the remote.
* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To change pages, press the {MENU} button then
the {-/--} {9} {9} {1} buttons again.

* Press the {EXIT} button to exit the Service Menu.
Your adjustments will be memorized.

* You&#180;ll have to make adjustments separately for different
input signals (component, composite, RGB, HDMI).
* Many of the parameters are not accessible.
* Pressing the "User Initialise" Menu will erase
all channels and personal settings.

CRTs :

* Press and hold the {2} button on the remote
while turning the power on.

* Keep the {2} button pressed for at least 4 seconds.

* The Service Menu will be displayed.

* To exit, turn the power off.


PDM-1 50"

* Hold down the {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA DISPLAY.
* Press the {STATUS} button 3 times on the remote control.
(Status button is the one below Power button)

* The Service Menu (CAT) will be displayed.
(CAT = Computer Aided Test Menu)

* Use the cursors keys on the remote to select a mode.
* And press the action key {} to access the menu.

* To exit each mode, use the {R} button.
* To exit the CAT menu, use the {STATUS} button.
* To exit, press the {POWER} button on the Plasma
 bila ada yg double mohon maaf ya/???dan klo ada yg kurang tolong temen2 smua di tambah kan.mudah2an bermanfaat bagi kita semua.